

We welcomed the Cambridge District for a 'handling' practice yesterday, where several people improved their ringing technique. You can see the screen showing the bells in the background!

I'm Lynne Hughes, the new Ringing Centre manager; four weeks into the role, and really enjoying it. I'm pictured arriving by bike (of course!) in late March, for the first teaching session. Many people are coming for lessons every week, and it's great to see their progress.

Our monthly practices for young ringers (under 19) are now well established and are held on the second Monday of each month from 6.00 - 7.00pm.  This month's benefited from being in half term week so we started half an hour earlier than usual, with 10 young ringers attending.

Our other regular event, a training course organised by the Cambridge District of the EDA, is held on the 4th Saturday of each month from 2.30 - 4.00pm.  Click here for details of Cambridge District activities.

We are pleased to announce that our ringing centre manager will be Lynne Hughes, who will start working with us in March.  She currently lives in Dawlish, Devon and rings both there and in Exeter.  She is an experienced ringer, organiser, fully qualified ART teacher and currently a tower captain.  We are looking forward to her move to Cambridge, when we expect to be able to fully implement our plans for the project. 

The first full peal (5000 or more changes) on the bells has been rung in memory of those named in the inscriptions on the bells.  Each was represented by one of the band.  It was completed in two hours and 38 minutes. See